What your Councils Do

Dacorum Borough Council - Contact your Borough Councillors

Council Tax.
Regeneration - neighbourhoods, business, green spaces.
Leisure and Culture - parks, playgrounds, shopping- and town centres, arts & entertainments, and allotments.
Bins and Recycling.
Environment - Pest control, food hygiene, noise, fly-tipping and lost & stray dogs.
Parking - Car Parks, permits and resident-permits.
Planning and Development - planning applications and building control.
Community and Living - Community Centres, voluntary organisations, grants, anti-social behaviour and cemeteries.
Housing - Benefits, housing benefits, council tax support, universal credit.

Click here for Dacorum Borough Council 

Hertfordshire County Council - Contact your County Councillors

Adult Social Services - Blue Badge, Care.
Children's Social Care.
Schools and Education.
Highways, Roads and Pavements.
Health in Hertfordshire.
Fire & Rescue.
Recycling, Waste & Environment.
Business Trading Standards.
Libraries and Archives.

Click here for Hertfordshire County Council